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Fields & Production
Fields & Production

Learn about fields and production in Cart, including how fields sync from your Agworld account.

Matt Collins avatar
Written by Matt Collins
Updated over a week ago

Sync with Agworld

With Cart, your fields, crops and varieties are kept in Sync with the data in your Agworld account.

Cart syncs regularly with your Agworld account - approximately hourly. However, if you are making change to your fields, crops or varieties in Agworld and would like to see those changes reflected in Cart sooner, you can trigger a manual sync. Click on the Sync with Agworld button in the main navigation to trigger a manual sync.

View Production in Cart

To view field production in Cart, first select a commodity from the Commodity Picker In the main navigation.

Then, click on the Production link in the main navigation.

Filter by Production Year

Cart reports most data on a Production Year basis. This syncs with the production year's set in your Agworld account when setting up a season. For many farm's, this will be 1-to-1 with seasons. However, if you are doing any summer-winter double cropping, then you may have multiple seasons assigned to one production year.

Select a production year from the filter bar at the top of the Production page and click the Apply button to view field production for the selected production year.

View Yield Performance

Once you begin recording deliveries in Cart that include commodities taken off a field, Cart will keep track of yield and quality for each field.

From the Commodity page, you can view total Commodity and Yield Per Area (ha/ac).

For a more detailed summary, click into any field. Once a field is selected, you will also see

  • A list of all deliveries linked to the field.

  • A weighted average of quality data captured for the field (Protein, moisture etc)

Create Deliveries for a Field

Once a field and crop has been synced with your Cart account, you will be able to add the Field as a source to any delivery. See our other help resources for more information on creating a delivery from a field.

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