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Learn how to manage on and off-farm Locations in Cart

Matt Collins avatar
Written by Matt Collins
Updated over a week ago


Before delivering grain into storage or to a contract, you need set up locations in your account. There are two type of locations in Cart:

  1. On Farm: for tracking grain in storage on farm such as grain being held for sale at a future date or for use on farm.

  2. Off Farm: for tracking grain delivered to third parties such as bulk handlers, receival sites and end-buyers.


  • Click on the Locations link in the main navigation to manage locations.

  • From here, you can view On Farm Locations and Off Farm Locations by clicking on the relevant tabs at the top of the page.


There are three key components to managing On-Farm storage in Cart:

  1. Locations: A name and physical location on where grain infrastructure positioned on Farm.

  2. Storages: The individual storages such as silos, bins, bunkers etc at this location.

  3. Commodity: The commodity currently being tracked at each storage.

Setup On-Farm Location

To create a new location:

  • Select the On-Farm tab

  • Next, click on the New On-Farm Location button.

  • Fill in the form, including a name and physical location

  • Click save

  • After saving, the new location will be created and you will be taken to the location when you can manage storages at this location.

Map Location + Agworld Map: The position selected on the map when creating an On-Farm location will be synced to the Agworld Apps on iPhone and iPad. This will allow your team to select this location within Agworld to view each storage and current inventory levels.

Setup Storages

Next, individual storages should be created for all infrastructure at this location that is used for storing commodities (bins, silos, sheds, etc.). To create a new Storage:

  • Click on the Add Storage button

  • Enter and Name and select a Storage Type.

  • Click the Next button to create.

After clicking "Next", the storage will be created and you will be taken to the next step where you can assign a commodity to the Storage.

Set Commodity

After setting up a new Storage, you will be prompted to set a commodity. Setting a commodity is required before you can begin delivering grain in and out of this storage.

  • Select a commodity from the List and click Next. (Note, if you do not know the current commodity, or there isn't one assigned, you can skip this step and come back to it later.)

  • Next configure the following parameters for the commodity:

    • Variety: Setting a variety is optional. If set, deliveries in and out of this storage will be restricted to the specified variety

    • Storage Capacity: Set a capacity for this storage

    • Opening Date: If you plan on entering back-dated deliveries, make sure to set this date to the earliest delivery date.

    • Opening Quantity: If the storage is currently empty, set the quantity to zero.

    • Notes: optional notes about the commodity stored here.

  • Click Save

Request a Commodity: The commodities that are available in Cart are determined by the following:

  1. Features: the commodities that we can support well based on the current features available in Cart.

  2. Customer demand: the commodities that customers are asking for.

If you do not see the commodity you're looking for, please contact us so that we can discuss adding support.

Once saved, you will be taken to the On-Farm location where you will see the new Storage as well as the currently assigned commodity.

Repeat this process for each On-Farm Location, Storage and Commodity used on the farm.



To create a new location

  • Select the Off-Farm tab

  • Next, click on the New Off Farm Location button.

  • Fill in the form, including name and opening inventory date.

Opening Inventory Date: If you plan on entering historic deliveries to this location, make sure to set the opening inventory date to the earliest delivery date. This location will only be available when creating deliveries after the opening inventory date.

Opening Inventory

After creating a location, you will be taken to a page where you can manage details and set up an opening inventory.

If there is grain currently stored at an off farm location when setting up your account (E.g. grain held at Viterra), adding the commodities to opening inventory will make this grain available for out-loading from this location.

Fill in the form to add each commodity by the binned grade and quantity.

Once opening inventory has been set, the setup for this Off Farm location is complete. Repeat this process for all off-farm locations that you will be delivering to.

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